Reporting and Assessment

How should work be assessed and feedback given?

The type, extent and detail of assessment will depend on the subject and key stage as each department has a bespoke assessment and feedback policy.

Books, portfolios or folders of assessed work will be checked by teachers at regular intervals.  Assessments will be marked in purple pen and when a written student response is appropriate these will be completed by students in green pen.

Students will also use green pen for self assessment; e.g. improving written work, correcting spelling or grammar errors or when peer assessing written work in the classroom.

Assessment and feedback should be in the form that is most effective in helping a student progress as identified in the subject specific assessment and feedback policy.  This may include:

Verbal feedback; one to one, small group or whole class

Demonstrations of subject specific skills or techniques

Written teacher comments linked to clear success criteria or exam assessment criteria

Whole class feedback which may include using model answers to demonstrate What a Good One Looks Like

Use of mini whiteboards for whole class question responses or gathering of ideas

Knowledge tests / spelling and key vocabulary tests / quizzes for retrieval practice

Self and peer assessment by students with teacher support and guidance

Students will:

  • follow school guidelines for the presentation of work
  • take pride in work completed both at school and for home learning
  • respond to and reflect on feedback using green pen as appropriate
  • meet deadlines for submitting work


Parents/Carers will:

  • support the school’s use of home learning
  • ensure the Presentation Policy is adhered to
  • encourage students to put effort into their work.


How do we report student progress?

In Years 10 – 13 all students have Minimum Expected Grades based upon either or all of the following: end of Key Stage tests, CAT4 tests and internal baseline testing. In Years 7 to 9 all students have subject specific standards for their year group that they are assessed against.

Progress Reports are issued 3 times a year for each year group.  In Key Stage 3 the first Progress Report is the Settling In report and is not graded. The following two Progress Reports include subject grades in terms of progress against the year group standard with Working At grades projecting progress toward a GCSE grade 5 in that subject. In Key Stage 4 all reports have the subject Most Likely to Achieve grades using appropriate grading for the qualifications the students are following. For years 9 – 13 at the appropriate time of year the Progress Report will also include a summative exam grade.

All students’ progress will be monitored by Heads of Faculty, Heads of Year and Key Stage Raising Standards Leaders to ensure barriers to learning are identified and that students are supported to make progress throughout the Key Stage.

The grades included on Progress Reports are informed by the wide range of both formative and summative assessment information gathered by subject teachers. The specific weightings of each type of assessment used for reporting are determined by specialist subject leaders

More information on how student reports are issued.

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