Staff Wellbeing

At The Downs School we understand that the positive wellbeing of our staff is essential for retaining, motivating and in promoting the wellbeing of our students. Our staff balance a large number of tasks and demands on a daily basis, so it is important that they feel supported so in turn they can support our students. See how we actively manage workload and promote wllbeing at The Downs School.

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Teaching and learning 

  • Developmental Walkthrus using Instructional Coaching 
  • Monday and Wednesday morning briefings to keep you updated 
  • Curriculum, Pedagogy, Assessment and Development time in Faculties every other Wednesdays 
  • Clear communication through staff and student bulletins 
  • Comprehensive support for ECTs 
  • Time given for ECTs for training 
  • Time given to Mentors for mentoring 
  • Time given to undertake NPQs 
  • Clear Downs Development ladder 
  • Head of Faculties lead their faculty assessment and feedback policy. 


  • Clear and effective Therapeutic behaviour structures in place to support all staff 
  • Senior staff on call presence around school everyday 
  • After school and Saturday school detentions run by SLT 
  • Clear communication through student updates every other Wednesday briefing 

Managing workload 

  • Email protocol - no expectation to answer emails out of working hours and holidays 
  • Remote access to allow staff to work flexibly 
  • No detailed written reports to parents and carers 
  • No direct emails from parents to teaching staff 
  • Flexibility for individual needs for discretionary leave 
  • Regular staff surveys to get honest feedback on what needs to improve  
  • Well established Wellbeing and Workload working group 
  • Time for you Tuesday – no meetings 

Our initiatives and opportunities 

  • Electric Car charging points in school 
  • Countless opportunities to get involved with the wider life of the school-e.g. Duke of Edinburgh, Ski trips, theatre trips, overseas trips. 
  • Free Tea/Coffee available in Staffroom and in faculties  
  • Treats at break each half term 
  • Flu jab available to all staff 
  • Staff social events
  • Book swap box in staffroom 
  • Gym available to 5.30 free of charge 
  • Swimming pool available before and after school on certain days 
  • Yoga available to sign up 
  • Free coffee perks during the Year from Café 6 
  • £5 personal printing 
  • Café 6 – available until 2pm 
  • Loyalty card at Café 6 if you bring your own mug 
  • Heads breakfast – opportunity to say how things are going 
  • Free office 365 apps 
  • Counselling available to all 
  • Coaching available 
  • Staff football on Fridays 
  • Buddy system 
  • Centralised systems – SIMS, School detentions 
  • High level of support for trips and visits 
  • Refreshments before parents' evenings and school events 
  • School closes at 6pm 
  • Birthday club for staff 
  • Faculty Socials 
  • Supportive friendly staff 
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